Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice – Plymouth Caving Group

Plymouth Caving Group takes your privacy seriously. We will use your information in order to provide membership services and ensure adequate insurance is in place for members. This notice sets out what we will do with your personal information and who we may share it with in respect of the above.

What information about you do we collect?

We collect the following information:

  • Personal contact details, such as name, title, address, telephone number and email address
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Next of kin and emergency contact information
  • Information about your health, including any medical conditions, health and sickness records

How do we collect information about you?

Relevant personal data will be collected:

  • Directly from you as the data subject at the point of becoming a member and at any other time necessary i.e. when existing information needs to be updated. Whilst we attempt to make sure that the data we hold on you is up to date, we are ultimately reliant on you to inform us when there are changes.

How will your personal data be used?

Your personal data will be used in the following ways:

  • To provide membership service i.e. the administration of joining and renewing membership, distribution of publications, organising events, organising of trips and training courses.
  • To organise third party liability insurance. Relevant personal data and special category data will be shared with the British Caving Association (BCA). In the event of a claim, BCA will share your data with their insurance provider.

The Legal basis for processing your data

Article 6 1 (c) Legal obligation

Without Public Liability insurance through BCA, members will be unable to visit caves where insurance is a requirement for access. Therefore, relevant personal data and special category data is collected and shared with BCA, so that members of the group are adequately covered to participate in all of the group’s activities.

Article 6 1(f)

Legitimate interests of the Data Controller We have a legitimate interest to ensure that we can administer memberships correctly. To do this effectively, we require relevant personal data so that we can manage memberships and contact members with relevant membership information i.e. invite members to renew memberships, distribute publications, organise events and training courses.

Article 6 1 (a) Consent

We collect, use and share certain data about you on the basis that you have given us your consent to do so. You may withdraw your consent and ask us not to process your data at any time, but this may affect our ability to offer you a membership with the group and/or participate in some of the group’s activities.

Who will your personal data be shared with?

To organise third party liability insurance. Relevant personal data and special category data will be shared with the British Caving Association (BCA). In the event of a claim, BCA will share your data with their insurance provider.

We will never sell your data to anyone else.

Transferring of data outside of the UK

Your data will not be transferred outside of the UK. It will be securely stored electronically within the UK only, unless it was necessary for safeguarding or for the prevention and detection of crime.

Length of time we keep your information

We will retain your personal data whilst you are a member of the group, plus the current year and a further two years. This is to facilitate any request you may make to have your membership reinstated.

Individual rights

You have a number of rights under the General Data Protection Regulations. These can be found on the ICO website
If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please email

The Data Controller for your information

The Data Controller for this information is Plymouth Caving Group. BCA also become a data controller, once any personal data is passed to them for insurance purposes. Medical data is not passed on to BCA and is for PCG awareness only.

Data Protection Officer

If you have any queries about our privacy notices or would like to exercise your data rights or make a complaint, please contact the Data Protection Officer by emailing

If you are not happy with how we have handled your complaint, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office to raise your concerns about how we have processed your information or how we have responded to your request to exercise any of your rights in relation to your information:

  • Telephone them on 0303 123 1113
  • Visit their website at
  • Write to them at:
    Information Commissioner’s Office
    Wycliffe House
    Water Lane
    Cheshire SK9 5AF

Privacy Notice – Plymouth Caving Group – October 2021

N.B. Email Replies

When you post to or reply to
you will be sharing your name and email with the whole group. We have no control over this.
To avoid replying to the group, reply to the original sender or specific replyer only.

Google ReCaptcha

We use Google ReCaptcha on this site to filter spam. It claims to use anonymised data to determine whether a form is being filled by a person or a bot.
Its privacy terms are here
and its general terms are here

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