Welcome to Plymouth Caving Group (PCG)

Click here for more information on PCG


So, you want to come caving....
So you want to go underground?
Plymouth Caving Group is a small and friendly caving club based in Plymouth, Devon. We regularly visit Caves and Mines in Devon & Cornwall, with some weekend trips to Wales, the Mendips, Derbyshire, or the Yorkshire Dales, and the occasional trip to France, Spain and beyond. See our Calendar. The club is always open to welcome new members both young and old. See our About page for more detail.
Come with us for a couple of trips for just £10 as a temporary member before joining if you like, and find out if you like it. We will lend you a helmet and lamp to get you started, though bring your own wellies.
Membership of Plymouth Caving Group or PCG as it is known amongst its members, will give you access to places very few people go, and see things both weird and wonderful.
Become part of a diverse group of friends enjoying fun social activities. Give it a try, you might even like it!